Family Stories

Naomi House & Jacksplace supports children, young adults and their families from across central southern England.  Each family has their own unique story to tell, and as they bravely speak through the videos and written stories below, you can find out how the hospices are there to support them on good days, difficult days and last days.


Heidi’s Story

10-year-old Heidi was a happy, smiley girl who loved Disney films, being outdoors, loud music and cuddles with her dog, Milo. Heidi was born with the very rare condition, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. This is her story.

Read Heidi’s Story
Alfie and grandad

Alfie's Story

Alfie has cerebral palsy caused by brain damage during a very difficult birth. He is unable to stand, walk, sit, or even play with his toys on his own. He has epilepsy, hearing difficulties and is fed via a gastrostomy. This is his story.

Read Alfie's Story

Tamara's story

Tamara had a very difficult start in life after being born prematurely at 26 weeks. She had a collapsed lung, a brain haemorrhage and later on was diagnosed with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. This is her story.

Read Tamara's story

Catherine's Story

Catherine's mum, Val, tells her family story from the early days of expecting Catherine to the moment she passed away.

Read Catherine's Story